A Christian apologetics ministry dedicated to keeping the "false" out of
Vocation Bible Study
Author: Gene White
Vocation is a most interesting and serious study that evolved from Martin
Luther’s writings about the role of the laity in society as well as within
church. In the Catholic world there were no vocations outside of those taking
place within the church. The laity had no role at all and in truth were in about
the same relationship with the clergy as the average Jewish person was with
Pharisees of the Old Testament.
Against that backdrop Luther’s writings on the subject struck at the very
foundation of the monastic traditions and the nuns of the Catholic world. He
boldly declared that every job, however humble, was a vocation and was just as
important than any other. He further explained how vocations fall into three
estates or groupings, family, society and the church. This presentation provides
and overview and then concentrates on Vocations in the family.
Lesson 1 provides an overview session that covers all three estates. Lesson 2
provides a detailed discussion of vocation in the family. Lesson 3 provides a
workshop for family vocations.
To download PowerPoint Lesson 1,
click here.
To download optional music LSB hymn #848,
click here.
download PowerPoint Lesson 2,
click here.
To download PowerPoint Lesson 3,
click here.
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