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How Art Teaches Theology, Part I: Author: Gene White

This study consists of Part I and Part II. Part I provides a theological and historical view of two most famous and detailed pieces of Lutheran Art that fall in the category of Altar Pieces, in that they stand in the Chancel just behind their respective altars. The first piece reviewed is known as the Weimar Altar piece, located in the City Church of St. Peter and St. Paul (Stadtkirche) in Weimar, Germany.

This altar piece covers in picture form our Christian theology from the Exodus to the Crucifixion, going from the background to the foreground. The detail and “hidden” depictions are brought out in this review. This piece was painted by Lucas Cranach the Younger the 1855, for John Frederick of Saxony. The duke’s family is included on the two wings of the center panel.

The second altar piece is known as the Triptych and is located in St. Mary Church, Wittenberg, Germany.

This altar piece covers Lutheran theology in four panels depicting in a clockwise manner starting with the bottom panel. This panel deals with all things associated with The Word of God. The top three panels, from left to right depict some interesting aspects of Baptism, Communion, and Confession and Absolu-

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